Elombe Kisala Is Available For Work
Designer & Developer

Creating User-Centered Designs That Inspire Action

Creating web and mobile designs that meet the needs and expectations of your ideal customers, while also aligning with your business goals and brand identity.

why work with me

Designing Better Websites With Better Solutions, One Project At A Time

I can help craft a high-performing, beautiful website for you that’s conversion-focused, brand-accurate, & user-friendly.
my Skill set


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Web Design & Development
HTML, CSS, JS, Shopify, Webflow


Virtual Tour Creation
‍‍3D Vista, Matterport


Videography & Photography
Premiere Pro, Lightroom, After Effects, etc...


A.I. Workflow Automation
Open A.I., GPT 4 Development, & Zapier

My work

Featured Projects

Core Home

Web Design & Development

Hawthorne Global Ministries

Web Design & Development
Email Automation

Mantis Visuals
(Former Local Agency Website)

Virtual Tours
Web Design & Development
SAAS Products

Apex Fitness

Web Design & Development
Google Analytics

Alex Wick Fitness

Web Design & Development

Blurred Lines Entertainment

Web Design & Development
Google Ads

Apex Fitness

Web Design & Development
Social Media Integration

WDYM Virtual Boutique
Collaboration with Company5

Virtual Tour Creation

Pico Ski Resort VR Demo

Virtual Tour Creation

Broadway Supercar VR Showroom

Virtual Tour Creation

My Process

phase 1


During this phase, I meet with you to understand your needs, business goals, target audience, and other requirements for the website. I conduct research on your industry, competitors, and market trends to get a better understanding of the design requirements. With this information, I create a comprehensive project plan and scope to ensure that we are all on the same page.

phase 2

Design & Planning

This is the phase where the project starts to come to life. I work with you to create the visual elements of your website, ensuring that it reflects your brand and is visually appealing. Through the use of mockups, style guides, and prototypes, I involve you in the design process to ensure that we create a website that you will love.

phase 3

Development & Testing

Now the exciting part... I take the approved designs and start developing the website. I ensure that the website is fast-loading, responsive, and meets accessibility standards. I perform various tests to ensure that the website works flawlessly, including functional testing, usability testing, and browser testing.

phase 4

Launch Phase

The final phase is all about launching the website and ensuring that it continues to perform well. I configure the server, upload files, and install necessary software to prepare the website for launch. After launching, I continue to monitor the website's performance, track user behavior, and make necessary improvements based on the analytics data. Through regular updates and security maintenance, I ensure that the website continues to run smoothly.


This Is What People Say About My Work

Here are a few lines from people who I have worked with over the past 3+ years in my design and development career.

“I now have a sleek and modern platform to show my Instagram and TikTok videos to potential clients. And with the added ability to sell courses online, I feel like I've taken my personal training business to the next level!"

Aaron Fong
Fitness Coach, Owner of Apex Fitness

“I am extremely impressed with the redesign of my website's home page! The updated layout and security features have made my clients feel much more confident in trusting my business"

Richard morrow
Owner of AHA Consulting Services
about me

Hi, I’m Elombe!

As a skilled digital creator and developer, I bring a wealth of experience to the table. I started building websites in 2019, and since then, I've honed my craft using tools such as Figma, Wordpress, Webflow and Zapier, among many others. My expertise in design and development allows me to create visually stunning, responsive websites that align with marketing goals and drive sales.

What sets me apart from other professionals in the field is my ability to create unique and engaging visual experiences with the help of 3D  and VR technology to engage users on the front- end while simultaneously creating seamless a.i. powered workflows on the back-end to increase conversions. I've helped local businesses achieve their online objectives by using effective marketing strategies such as, email marketing, text message follow ups, social media ads, and leveraged tools such as Google Analytics and SEMRush to analyze website traffic and identify opportunities for growth.

My dedication to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the field makes me a valuable asset to any team.

In summary, with my extensive experience, skills, and expertise, I'm confident that I would be the ideal candidate for web designer, developer, A.I. specialist job roles.

FAQ SEction

Any Questions?

To help you get to know me better and understand my approach to web design and digital marketing, I've compiled a list of frequently asked questions. I hope this information provides insight into my experience and skills, and I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest design and development trends?

I stay up-to-date with the latest design trends by attending webinars, reading industry blogs, and participating in online design communities. I incorporate these trends into my work by keeping them in mind during the design process and using them as inspiration to create unique designs that meet the needs of my clients and their users.

What sets you apart from other web designers, and what unique skills do you bring to the table?

In addition to my expertise in web design and user research, I also have experience in digital marketing. I have run successful social media ad campaigns, email marketing, and text message marketing campaigns that have driven traffic to websites and improved conversion rates. This unique skill set allows me to not only design visually appealing and user-friendly websites, but also to optimize them for maximum traffic and engagement.

How do you ensure that your designs are user-centered and meet the needs of your clients' customers?

I start by conducting thorough research into the target audience and their needs. I also focus on creating an intuitive and easy-to-use navigation system and ensure that the website's visual design is consistent and easy to follow. I conduct extensive usability tests to verify that the website is intuitive and user-friendly.

How do you approach working with clients who may have different design preferences or conflicting ideas?

I approach working with clients who have different design preferences by first listening to their ideas and understanding their goals. I then use my expertise to make recommendations and offer alternative solutions that align with best practices and the needs of their users. I always make sure to communicate clearly and openly with clients throughout the process to ensure we are all on the same page.

What inspired you to become a web designer, and what motivates you in your work?

My interest in web design grew out of a personal need for a simple online presence, which quickly evolved as I discovered the power of customization and personalization. As I learned more about website design and development, I began to build sites for family and friends, helping them to realize their own ideas and connect with a wider audience. I found it immensely satisfying to bring their visions to life and contribute to the broader digital landscape.